Find Your Best Way Forward
At various points in our life, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We know some form of change is necessary for our ultimate joy and well-being, but we’re uncertain about the type and magnitude of change we’re willing to embrace. Working as an entrepreneur, corporate trainer, professional coach and Intuition Painting leader for over 22 years, I’ve helped people navigate major change and growth with peace of mind, courage, inspiration, and success.
Transformational Coaching helps you discover your next best path.
No matter what you want to change in life — relationships, career, location, or all of the above — the approach to finding your ideal direction starts with knowing yourself. Together we identify where your passions truly lie, what matters to you most, and what has been limiting you in the past. We determine how to overcome obstacles, and design a personalized strategy to move you forward.
I can help you to:
Career, Work, Business
Launch or grow a business
Achieve career satisfaction
Transition to a rewarding career
Manage work/life balance
Personal growth
Recognize passion and potential
Grow courage and confidence
Nurture fulfilling relationships
Improve self-esteem and well-being
“Montine’s years as an entrepreneur, together with her corporate work really brought a uniquely powerful perspective to my business. I cannot remember a time that she did not have an answer/solution, an idea or a way to help me figure out a problem.”
Let’s Get Started
Schedule a free 30-minute consult to see if Transformational Coaching is a fit for your goals.
What is Transformational Coaching?
Transformational coaching supports you through greater self-awareness and evolution, so you understand what motivates you and brings meaning to your life, while growing your confidence, so that you can launch a deeply rewarding change. Achieving transformation starts with reflecting on you and your life in order to assess your make-up, influencers, strengths, patterns, and self-talk that may be catalysts or hindrances to significant shifts.
Transformational transition coaching is different from traditional coaching, where the coach works with you to address a specific challenge with a focused outcome. For example, a traditional coach helps you move from one job to another, whereas a transformational transition coach empowers you to completely rethink what’s possible for your next career.
Click to enlarge photo.
The Approach
Discover: Assess & Reveal
Identify your unique potential and your ideal path. Assess transferable skills, underlying values, abilities, talents and hidden strengths. Reveal unconscious influencers, including fears and self-sabotage, that may prevent you from moving forward.
Transform: Evolve & Empower
Recognize and claim your gifts and abilities. Evolve negative patterns and retrain reactions to triggers to form new habits and responses. Grow your confidence and make clear and meaningful decisions.
Realign: Master & Launch
Set lifestyle, relationship and career goals that inspire you into action. Get launched quickly and effectively, with structure, accountability and a plan.
Set Your Pace
Our journey will be an interactive process with a tailored approach to your goals. You will determine the pace. Depending on your preferences, I may suggest various tools for introspection, such as self and career assessments, core transformation work, interest and skill surveys, meditation, creative expression, and neural integration exercises, as you begin your path to self-leadership and realized potential.
Coaching Sessions
Transformational coaching merits a minimum of six sessions to internalize new skills, release blocks, and transform thinking and habits. We will have the option of working via phone, or video conferencing.
Coaching Fees:
Includes zoom/phone meetings, recommended homework, and email access.
Initial Consult:
- Free of Charge
60 Minute Sessions:
- 1 Session: $225
- 6 Sessions: $1250
- 10 Sessions: $1950
Prices above reflect one-on-one coaching sessions. Prices increase by 15% when coaching two people, and 25% when working with teams.
Sliding scale available. Email me for details.